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Portrait of a Young Doctor


As technology becomes more sophisticated, it has allowed people to perform many activities remotely.  With our telemedicine platform, patients can avoid crowded and infected urgent care and emergency rooms.  Through, patients can get their initial assessment and treatment options in the comfort of their home, through an FDA-approved mechanism.

In an effort to expand access, new federal legislation removed some restrictions on telemedicine services for elderly Medicare patients, and some large insurers are temporarily waiving telemedicine costs.


Our patient portal is powered by healow.  The relationship protects your patient information and simultaneously, provides access that addresses all of your health care needs. can prescribe pharmaceuticals electronically and send any prescriptions to your pharmacy in real time.  We also provide treatment of coronavirus as prescribed in national and international protocols based on symptoms and conditions.  We can test for influenza and COVID-19,​ sending you overnight test kits through LabCorp. You are not dependent on a hospital to receive the care you deserve. To initiate a telemedicine visit, please visit's Service Portal.




As a primary care virtual practice, we are the future of medicine- we fill the void between acute care and out-patient care, targeting those patients that are seriously ill, discharged from acute care facilities, or that because of two or more diagnoses and comorbidities, require intense care coordination. 

Our services are aligned with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Health and Human Services (HHS). They provide opportunities to outpatient and hospital primary care physicians for managed coordinated care, which will render the best care for our patients, and cost savings for our providers.  To learn more, please visit us at CCMS.

Home Nurse Examining Patient
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